How to Get a Job at KFC

Here's how to get a job at KFC quickly, using insider secrets.

Are you one of the many people wondering how to get a job at KFC? This fast-food restaurant is located all over the world, with more than 24,000 locations in 145 countries worldwide. This makes it one of the largest fast-food chains in existence today.

To get a job at KFC, you have to be great with people. Not only will you need to greet customers and show them a good experience, but also work well in a team setting. But what does one need to do to get a job at this popular fast-food chain?

The following information gives you great tips to gain an advantage during the job-hunting and hiring process at KFC.

Get a Job at KFC by Taking Action

The first step in getting a job at KFC is applying online on their website under “Careers”. Applicants should be aware that sometimes, they may remain on a waiting list for up to six months.

Once an application has been submitted, you will receive an email with instructions about creating a password and applying for open jobs by clicking on “Apply”. You can also print the application form given in the email and bring it to any KFC location during the application period. The open application period starts twice a year, in January and June.

A good attitude and hard work will sometimes only get any applicant so far; luck is also an important factor that can help you land a job at this popular fast-food chain.

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Applicants should be aware that they cannot apply for the same position twice. If they haven’t heard from KFC after six months, applicants can assume that their application has been unsuccessful and apply again later.

Once a job offer has been accepted, employees will be asked to train for between three and four weeks. During this time, they will practice cooking and serving food and delivering customer service. They will also learn about company policies and procedures, as well as all safety and security measures.

There are conditions that you must meet to have a chance of getting hired at KFC. They include:

  • First of all, you need to be of legal age to work. This is usually 16 years old, but it might vary from country to country, so if you are not sure, check with your local authorities before assuming that you’re eligible.
  • Secondly, you need a clean criminal record. If you have been convicted of a crime it will be very difficult for KFC to hire you, but some exceptions can potentially help you in your application like lighter crimes or cases that wouldn’t keep you from working directly with children. Make sure to mention this when applying, and they will see if you’re eligible for the job.
  • Thirdly, look good. Your general appearance matters in every business, and this one is no different. If you come to apply with sloppy clothes and messy hair, there is a big chance that you won’t be hired, no matter how qualified you are.
  • Fourth, apply online! KFC is a huge company, so their HR department has to be able to receive applications in every fashion possible. If you are not good at using an online platform, you can always try to apply in person at your desired location.
  • Fifth, don’t give up! Getting a job at this company is not easy, and it’s not instant either. You might spend weeks without an answer, but that doesn’t mean you should stop applying as soon as you get rejected. Keep trying until you eventually get noticed and hired.

Does KFC hire at 15?

It depends. Usually, a person must be 16 years of age to have a work permit in most places. However, a 15-year-old can apply for an exemption from this rule by being a student at a school or working as part of a co-op placement as part of the high school curriculum.

If KFC thinks that you are competent enough to be a team member, then you can get a job, but you must have a work permit.

Does KFC hire seniors?

Yes, KFC hires seniors because they believe in their experience and skills. That’s why they value them as employees.

KFC knows seniors are a great influence on younger workers. They are one of the biggest strengths in keeping the company’s image at a high level.

Is it hard to get a job at KFC?

It is not hard to get a job at KFC because there are many positions available on many levels. A lot of people want to work for KFC and that means competition for positions is also high.

However, everyone who has applied for a job opening has a fair chance of getting hired. If you apply and make a great impression during the interview process, you’ll have an advantage.

How to Apply at KFC

Here is how you can apply at KFC using the best method:

  • Look online for the nearest KFC location to you.
  • Click on “careers” at the top of the website.
  • Select “find a restaurant” on the left side of the page, then type in your ZIP code or choose your state from the options presented. This will bring up a list of locations near you.
  • Click on “view restaurant hours” and make sure the location is still open, as some locations might have different hiring application methods depending on their hours of operation.
  • Make sure you can work during store business hours, as most KFC stores are open from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m., seven days a week, but some are open 24 hours.
  • Go to the location during store hours and ask for an application in person. Make sure you bring work clothes with you if you plan on applying for a job at KFC that may require them (e.g., if you apply for a cooking position).
  • Fill out the application in full, attach your resume if you have one, and turn it in with an availability schedule to work any days they might need help during the week.
  • Wait to hear back from KFC regarding employment, or keep checking up on their website if they are not hiring. If you do not hear back after two to three weeks, you can email them inquiring about your application status.
  • After being hired, you may be scheduled for a drug test to comply with safety regulations for working at KFC. They will tell you when to come in for this appointment.
  • Wait to receive the results of your drug test by mail; if it is clean, you can begin working.
  • You will be scheduled for training sessions that will take place at the store you were hired by for a few days before work starts. Training classes are mandatory before starting any KFC job, so be prepared to spend a few days there learning the basics of KFC work.
  • Show up to your first shift, ready for work, and wait to be assigned tasks based on your job position.
  • Continue to practice good hygiene habits as outlined by KFC guidelines during your time working at their location.

How to Get Hired at KFC Quickly

The first thing you must do to get hired at KFC is to learn more about the company and its history. You must know everything about this restaurant chain and its Chief Executive Officer (CEO) before you approach them for a job.

Knowing about their background, culture, values, vision, etc., will help you know if you are the right candidate for the job. If you have what it takes, then all that is left is to apply for a job at this restaurant chain.

Here’s what you’ll do;

  • Use the “Career” button above to go to their official website. There is a variety of jobs listed and where people can see what they like or how it sounds and follow through with that listing. Most listings ask for an applicant’s work history, educational background, physical attributes (height, weight, etc.), and contact information.
  • Send a current resume as well as any other materials requested, such as a cover letter or writing samples. In many cases, this means attaching the file to an email and sending it off. In some cases, applicants may be asked to fill out an online form instead of uploading their resumes directly.
  • Wait to hear back about the next steps in the hiring process. KFC uses this time to review resumes and reach out to applicants who are qualified for an interview. Contact information is typically on the listings, or jobseekers can send a follow-up email or call after two weeks if they haven’t heard anything yet.
    Applicants will typically be contacted for an interview if they are qualified. If requested, applicants should be prepared to bring in the required documents requested on the listing.
  • Prepare for the interview. Applicants should come up with some questions of their own and review important points about the company. Being well-prepared can help you stand out from other candidates who are also interviewing for the same position.
  • Bring in any requested documents to the interview. Most likely, this means bringing in a driver’s license or state identification card, as well as proof of education and work history. If necessary, KFC may reach out to an applicant before the interview if there is additional information they require to complete their background check.
  • Applicants may have a second interview before being offered a position. During this time, applicants should be prepared to sign company documents. Certain applicants will receive a drug test as well as a physical exam. Applicants shouldn’t be surprised if KFC asks about their availability and wage expectations.
  • Be patient and wait for a final offer. This is the final step in the hiring process, so it will likely take some time to hear back about whether applicants have been chosen. Applicants should understand they might not receive an answer right away and may need to be flexible about their availability if they are being considered for a position with an upcoming start date.
  • Once a job is offered, applicants will have to sign a contract and agree to the company’s policies. This includes confidentiality rules as well as a non-compete clause that may limit where or what people can do regarding finding future employment. After that, applicants are officially new hires and just need to receive further instructions about reporting time, payment information, and other logistics.

If the process didn’t go well, there’s no harm in applying again. KFC maintains an online presence, so jobseekers can check listings periodically for new opportunities.

Begin applying at KFC with this link.

How long does training take at KFC?

Online training will go for seven days, and regular training will take about a month. Make sure you show up on time and motivated and ready to learn. Management’s eyes will be on you and if you are not able to quickly learn how the system operates, you may be placing yourself in a position to be let go.

How to Become a Manager at KFC

To become a manager at KFC, you must have what it takes to supervise others in a fast-food establishment.

While there are no college degrees required, the following skills and characteristics will be valuable:

  • You must have a strong work ethic
  • Great people-management skills
  • An outgoing personality that shines through
  • Ability to manage a restaurant in a fast-paced environment
  • Motivation and qualities of a self-starter who’s ready to work

To succeed, you need the ability to lead, communicate well with your staff, and create a fun work environment. You must have leadership abilities that will help build your team into efficient restaurant workers.

See the job application guide for KFC, here.

How long does it take to get hired at KFC?

It can take anywhere from 7 days to 6 months for KFC to hire someone. It depends on the location of your potential job, if you have a lot of experience with cooking and/or working in fast food, and whether there are already enough employees.

You might be able to speed things up by going into the store and talking to the manager. Keep in mind that occasionally, a franchise owner will hire you on the spot!

Do KFC employees get free food?

Some franchise owners reward their employees daily by giving them free meals and unlimited drinks. However, others don’t, so be prepared to pack your lunch if you are at a location that doesn’t offer this perk.

Featured image courtesy of Ildar Sagdejev (Specious), CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

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