How Much Does Winn-Dixie Pay?

The answer to, "How much does Winn-Dixie pay?" is surprising.

Winn-Dixie is like many other supermarket retail chains when it comes to hourly pay. The industry itself has a hard time retaining employees for several reasons.

One of those reasons is that these retail chains don’t offer a decent starting wage. This, in turn, causes people to become employed at a store like Winn-Dixie just to begin earning a steady paycheck, and they leave for a better-paying job eventually.

Winn-Dixie Starting Pay 

At Winn-Dixie, the entry-level pay is usually somewhere around $.50 to $1 more than the minimum wage in your state.

For example, the current Florida federal minimum pay is currently $8.56 an hour. Therefore, an entry-level worker will earn somewhere around $9 to $9.56 an hour.

Of course, if you are experienced at the position you are applying for, your starting pay can sometimes be negotiable.

Full-Time Hours

Full-time workers at Winn-Dixie, on average, get assigned more hours than your typical retail job. This is partly due to the fact that there is very high employee turnover and shifts have to be covered.

Therefore, there’s a good chance that at your Winn-Dixie store, you will receive some overtime hours on a continual basis.

Once you work full-time for at least a year, you become eligible for the various benefits this company offers.

Winn-Dixie Part-Time Pay

The part-time pay is generally the same as for full-time workers at Winn-Dixie.

This is good news for younger workers and retirees who want to earn a few extra dollars and still get paid at the same rate as other employees in the stores.

Winn Dixie Part-Time Hours

As a part-time worker at Winn-Dixie, you’ll get anywhere between 20 to 39 hours of work every week. This all depends on how many hours you want to work.

If you are attending school at the same time, it is likely that management will work around your schedule. If you are attending school while working a part-time job, it’s extremely important that you communicate your schedule to your managers.

The last thing you want to do is become an employee they call all the time to fill in for people who miss work. It’s probably in your best interest to stick to your scheduled hours of work so it doesn’t interfere with your schoolwork.

Winn-Dixie salaries are generally below average for the supermarket retail industry.

Winn-Dixie Cashier Pay

On average, a Winn-Dixie cashier earns approximately $9.25 an hour. This equals $370 a week and a yearly salary of $19,240.

As you can see, that’s not nearly a living wage. However, you can make up for some of the inadequate pay by working a few overtime hours here and there.

A cashier who covers for other workers and completes their responsibilities for their scheduled work hours can make anywhere between $22,000-$25,000 a year.

Winn-Dixie Bagger Pay

A Winn-Dixie bagger makes an hourly wage just above minimum wage, on average.

Therefore, a bagger in Florida will make around $8.75 to start. Based on a 25-hour workweek, especially for students, this comes out to $218.75 a week.

If you work year-round with this type of pay, you will make approximately $11,375 in salary.

Although that doesn’t sound like much, for a student or a retiree, it’s a respectable amount of extra money.

Winn Dixie Customer Service pay

The average customer service associate at Winn-Dixie makes around $10.40 an hour. This amounts to $416 a week at a yearly salary of $21,632.

Like cashier associates, an employee at Winn-Dixie working a customer service associate job can work a fair amount of overtime hours.

For those employees who go above and beyond and work any shift they can get, the yearly salary can reach anywhere between $23,000-$26,500 a year.

Department Manager Salary

Department managers such as the deli or grocery managers are surprisingly paid a very low salary compared to other retail stores. On average, they make approximately $14.25 an hour.

This amounts to $570 a week and $29,640 a year. That’s approximately 20 to 25% less than your typical department manager.

Winn-Dixie Assistant Manager Salary

An assistant manager at Winn-Dixie typically earns about $55,200 per year. This is about average for a retail store job in this position.

The salaries for this position can range anywhere between $33,500 to $61,500.

Winn-Dixie Store Manager Salary 

The average Winn-Dixie store manager earns about $76,800 per year. With this position, you can earn cash bonuses as well as profit-sharing incentives.

If you have a proven track record and are very experienced in retail management, you may be able to negotiate a high salary if you join Winn-Dixie.

Does Winn-Dixie Pay Weekly?

Winn-Dixie employees get paid on a weekly basis. This is preferable for people who are earning a low amount of money on their paychecks.

While getting paid weekly, it’s easier to keep up with your bills and expenses.

The pay period for Winn-Dixie begins on a Thursday and ends on the following Wednesday. Then you get paid on the following Tuesday.

How Often Does Winn Dixie Give Raises?

Some employees who have worked at Winn-Dixie in the past say raises are extremely hard to come by.

You are supposed to get a raise every year after your yearly performance. However, many workers say this is not the case and it all depends on management and how they conduct their handling of increases in pay.

With that said, it’s in your best interest to prove yourself as an employee and stay in constant contact with your management staff about a raise. 

You don’t have to be overbearing or incessant about it. However, if you don’t speak up, you may get overlooked for your yearly raise.

Break Policy

During an 8-hour shift, you get two paid 15-minute breaks. You also get from 30 minutes up to a 1-hour lunch, depending on how your management staff runs its store.

Some workers report they can get an hour lunch on a daily basis.

Dress Code

The typical uniform for a Winn-Dixie worker is black pants, a red Winn-Dixie shirt, black close-toed shoes, a name tag, and the black apron they issue to all workers.

The company is pretty liberal with ear piercings and it’s interesting to note that some Winn-Dixie stores allow you to wear jeans to work. Tattoos are also acceptable.

Management personnel wears business attire, and it usually consists of a white shirt with dark-colored slacks.

Of course, if you are working in some type of food preparation area, you are expected to wear a beard or hairnet.

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