How Much Does Ross Pay?

How much does Ross pay its entry-level workers?

If the retail job you choose is in a large department store, you can generally expect to work in a more pleasant atmosphere due to the wide-open areas. Compare a big department store layout to a small-sized retailer such as any dollar store, and you immediately see the difference.

Below, you’ll see information that will help you decide if Ross has a job for you.

You’ll learn:

  • What Ross pays its entry-level workers
  • How many hours are considered full-time at Ross?
  • The part-time pay offered
  • How many hours you are given if you’re working part-time
  • The jobs available and what they pay 
  • How old you have to be to work at Ross
  • Does this retail chain give you a drug test before they hire you?
  • Their dress code
  • When do you get your paycheck?
  • The break policy
  • The call out sick policy

Starting Pay for Ross

Ross starts you out at $11 an hour and is one of those companies that makes you work hard so you can prove yourself worthy enough to land a full-time position.

Ross committed to raising its starting pay to $11 an hour in February 2020. This is not exactly a living wage. 

However, it’s a good start for someone needing extra income in the household. You may be pleased to know in some cities, the starting pay can range from $11 to $13.50 an hour.

Ross Full-Time Hours

You will be considered a full-time worker if you’re working an average of 30 hours a week or more. Many reviews on over the last few years indicate it’s very difficult to truly be a full-time worker at Ross because the store does not offer enough weekly working hours.

Some go on to say this company is reluctant to hire workers for full-time jobs in order to avoid having to provide them with their benefits plan. It’s difficult to say whether this is true but it’s certainly something to keep in mind before you apply, thinking you can get hired full-time.

Part-Time Ross Pay

The starting pay for Ross part-time workers is the same as the entry-level pay for working full-time. The biggest complaint from many workers is that management does not give them enough hours to even come close to making a living.

These workers who speak negatively about the availability of work hours mostly say if you impress management staff by being a dependable employee, you may have a chance to be promoted to full-time within approximately 6 months. It’s important to put the word out to your management that you are looking to become a full-time employee.

Ross Part-Time Hours

25 or fewer hours of work every week is considered part-time at Ross. However, employees who have worked there say it’s very hard to get anywhere near that amount unless it’s seasonal work during the holidays.

You will typically work in 4 to 5-hour shifts, three to four days a week. 

Ross Retail Associate Pay

Retail associates at Ross earn approximately $11.80 an hour. Assuming you’ll work 40 hours every week, you can make approximately $24,544 a year.

However, that is not always the case for many full-time workers. Some employees say it’s hard to get 40 hours of work a week unless you’re one of the two to three employees who truly work full-time at the store.

You will typically get approximately 30 to 35 hours of work a week and earn somewhere in the neighborhood of $20,248 a year.

Ross Early Morning Stocker Pay

As a stocker, you can expect to earn on average, approximately $11.90 an hour. This will net you approximately $20,420 per year, based on a typical average of 33 hours of work, every week.

A challenging aspect of this job appears to be the inconsistent shifts in scheduling. For example, you can work one day from 2 PM to 10 PM, then receive a text to come in to work the following morning at 6 or 7 AM.

Ross Store Protection Specialist Pay

The average hourly wage for this type of Ross security specialist is approximately $12.80 per hour. This is the type of job that Ross usually has no choice but to offer a full 40-hour workweek.

Therefore, a security specialist can stand to make somewhere in the neighborhood of $26,624 a year.

Ross Area Supervisor Salary

An area supervisor at Ross makes approximately $13.40 per hour. This means you can make anywhere between $27,500 to 32,600 a year, depending on how many extra hours you work throughout the year. The salary for this position is considered average pay for this type of position.

As an area supervisor, you will sometimes be placed in a position to assume the role of assistant or store manager when they are not present at the store. For that reason and a few others, some workers in this position say they are not properly compensated based on the responsibilities of this job.

Ross Assistant Manager Salary

The average salary for a Ross assistant manager is approximately $52,600 per year. The salaries can range from $35,500-$61,000 a year.

There are quite a few people who have written in their online reviews that they worked hard as entry-level workers and within a few years were promoted to assistant manager. This indicates there is plenty of room for growth within Ross stores.

Ross Store Manager Salary

A store manager at this retail chain has plenty to look forward to. The average salary for this position is approximately 69,400 per year. The range of salaries for this position is from $46,200-$109,200 per year.

As you would imagine, this position requires you to work far beyond the typical 40-hour week.

There are plenty of mixed reviews left by former and current employees on the Internet on websites such as and 

While some people raved about how good the pay was as well as the working conditions, some said the district managers were difficult to deal with and there was an extremely high turnover rate of employees. This high turnover rate makes it difficult for managers to fill in the scheduled shifts and keep the store running smoothly.

Minimum Age to Work at Ross

In most cases, you have to be 18 years of age to be able to apply at Ross. There are exceptions, however! Ross allows you in some states to work at the age of 16, as long as you have a state permit.

Does Ross Drug Test Before Hiring?

Ross does not usually drug test you as a condition of employment. If you are applying for a management position, you are more likely to have to submit to drug testing. However, this is not always the case.

Once you are hired, you would have to be involved in some type of case where you would raise suspicion in order to be drug tested.

Dress Code

These days, Ross only provides you with a name tag and doesn’t really care what you wear as long as it’s moderately conservative and adheres to the following:

  • No ripped clothing
  • Shoes must be close-toed
  • Dresses and skirts need to be at least knee length
  • Tattoos, ear, and body piercings are allowed
  • All hair colors are now allowed

You simply need to look as neat and clean as possible so it doesn’t reflect negatively on the store. It is recommended that you take the dress code seriously if you want to advance within the company.

Remember, management will notice what you’re wearing and how professionally you take the job.

Does Ross Pay Weekly or Biweekly?

Ross pays its workers biweekly and the pay period starts on a Sunday and ends on the second Saturday after that. You will get paid the following Friday after the Saturday (when the pay period ends).

You can choose to have your check given to you by direct deposit or by paycheck.

Ross Break Policy

Here are some important points for taking breaks at Ross:

  • If you work 3 ½ to 5 hours, you qualify for a paid 15-minute break
  • When you work for 5 to 6 hours, you get an unpaid 30-minute meal break
  • If you work at least 6 hours on your shift, you’ll get a second 15-minute paid break
  • For those rare times when you work at least 10 hours, you will get at least 3 paid breaks for 15 minutes and two meal breaks during your whole shift

Featured image courtesy of Thayne Tuason, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

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