How Much Does Pizza Hut Pay?

How much does Pizza Hut pay its workers? Here are the answers.

The best part of working at Pizza Hut appears to be the working conditions, judging from the way coworkers say they tend to have a lot of fun during their shifts. Additionally, many locations give you free pizza or 50% discounts on meals during your meal breaks. As far as the hourly pay and salaries, that’s a different story. 

The following information will include:

  • The starting pay you can expect
  • All the jobs and what they pay hourly and in salary
  • When Pizza Hut pays its employees
  • When you get pay raises and how much
  • The work hours and examples of different types of shifts
  • Call out sick policy
  • Background checks and drug tests
  • Felony hiring policy
  • Are there any breaks during your shifts?
  • Dress code

Pizza Hut Starting Pay

The starting hourly pay for new team members is usually just a few cents above the state minimum wage. So, if you are applying to become a team member in Colorado where the minimum state wage is currently $12.32 an hour, you can expect to make about $.25 more than that, at $12.57 an hour to start.

At the same time, someone applying in the state of Idaho will only make a starting hourly wage of only $7.50 an hour because the minimum pay in that state is $7.25!

Pizza Hut Team Member Pay

The average hourly rate for team members at Pizza Hut is approximately $10.15 an hour. That hourly rate amounts to $406 a week, a monthly salary of $1,759, and a yearly salary of $21,112.

In this position, you can expect to sometimes have to work an extra or double shift due to other workers calling out sick. If you make yourself available to your management, you can probably add another $2,000 to $4,000 to your yearly pay by covering for your coworkers.

Pizza Hut Server Pay

On average, a Pizza Hut server will earn about $12.90 an hour due to tips earned during every shift. The average wages will vary because, as an example, a tipped worker in Idaho makes a minimum tipped wage per hour of $3.35, and with tips, this worker would probably earn somewhere close to $12.90 an hour.

However, in Colorado, where the minimum tipped hourly rate is $9.30, a server stands to make anywhere between $16 to $20 an hour and sometimes more!

Regardless, the average pay for servers at Pizza Hut is $516 weekly and a yearly salary of over $26,832.

Pizza Hut Cook Pay

A Pizza Hut cook earns approximately $11.12 an hour, on average. This amounts to $444 a week and $23,129 in yearly pay. 

At this restaurant chain, there are line cooks, pizza cooks, and even servers who double as cooks. Therefore, consult with your management staff regarding the duties you will have to fulfill at your particular location.

Pizza Hut Shift Leader Pay

Shift leaders make on average $11.16 an hour at this position. This would give you $446 a week and a salary of $23,219 yearly.

The important part of this job is to work hard, treat your team members well, and show leadership ability so you can earn a promotion to assistant manager. Once you do this, you will get a nice increase in your hourly pay and you’ll be on your way to an assistant general manager position making much more.

Pizza Hut Delivery Driver Pay

Delivery drivers at Pizza Hut are considered tipped employees. Therefore, these positions will give you a low hourly pay rate but you make the majority of your salary on tips.

The average driver makes approximately $5.45 an hour but depending on the day of the week, he or she makes an additional $45 to $115 a day plus mileage reimbursement that adds some money to the pot. Yearly salaries for this position hover around $25,770 a year for hard-working delivery drivers who are friendly and personable and can persuade customers to give them tips.

The one drawback to this position is that you will mostly be working nights and weekends.

Pizza Hut Assistant Manager Salary

An assistant manager at Pizza Hut makes approximately $28,455 a year, not including possible bonuses. A yearly bonus for this position is usually in the $3,000 to $4,000 range, putting this salary at about $32,500 a year.

The salaries for this job can range from $23,800 to $47,250 a year, depending on your level of experience.

Pizza Hut Manager Salary

The average general manager salary at Pizza Hut is $47,695 a year. You can add to that an average yearly bonus of approximately $4,000-$6,000, making the salary approximately $51,200 to $53,500 a year.

The salaries can range from about $38,350-$63,280 a year.

See all the Pizza Hut jobs in your area.

Does Pizza Hut pay weekly?

Pizza Hut pays its employees biweekly and the paydays vary between locations. Most employees report they are receiving a biweekly check on a Friday, Monday, or Tuesday.

The pay periods usually end about seven days before payday. Therefore, someone who gets paid a full check on a Monday will have worked the previous pay period which should have started approximately three weeks before the pay date. 

How much does Pizza Hut pay 16-year-olds?

Pizza Hut pays its 16 and 17-year-old workers the same starting pay as if they were an adult. Therefore, you can expect to make approximately $.25 above your state minimum wage as your hourly rate.

How often does Pizza Hut give raises?

Raises do occur at Pizza Hut but they are inconsistent due to the many different franchise-owners having their methods of raises and promotions. While some employees say they were given a raise every year for about $.35 to $.50 after an evaluation, some say their ownership and management wouldn’t give them raises at all.

Others say it’s all about how well you get along with your management team and how you communicate with them. It’s good practice to always maintain dialogue with your immediate supervisor to let him or her know you are interested in getting promoted and it’s important to occasionally inquire about a possible raise in the future.

Pizza Hut Work Hours

There are three types of opinions you’ll usually find from employees talking about the work hours at Pizza Hut. Many say one of the three following points:

  1. The restaurant does not give enough work hours daily.
  2. You can get scheduled at least 8 hours daily and in some cases, 8-12 hours a day.
  3. They give you enough hours but they want you to stay over and work a double shift a lot of times out of necessity.

All of this points to the belief that if you want to work overtime and make more money than your salary, overtime work hours are constantly available.

Full-time Hours

Full-time hours at Pizza Hut are generally between 30 to 40 hours a week. You can usually count on the availability of overtime every week, as well.

Part-time Hours

Part-time hours assigned at this restaurant chain are usually between 15 and 29 hours a week. Some employees say some locations don’t allow any employees to become full-time workers for a long time until you prove yourself. They go on to say that just about every worker at these locations is assigned part-time hours.

Pizza Hut Shift Hours

Here are some examples of the shift hours you will work at Pizza Hut:

  • 8 AM to 6 PM
  • 9 AM to 4 PM
  • 9 AM to 5 PM
  • 10 AM to 5 PM
  • 10 AM to 6 PM
  • 11 AM to 4 PM
  • 3 PM to 12 Midnight
  • 4 PM to 1 AM
  • 5 PM to 11 PM

What is the call-out sick policy?

If you’re going to be calling out sick, you must inform your supervisor at least 3 hours to a day in advance in most cases. Some locations may require you to bring a doctor’s note to excuse your absence on the following day.

This type of policy is important for franchisee-owned restaurants because younger workers tend to call out sick more frequently than older employees. This is their way of holding employees accountable so they can develop into dependable workers.

Break Policy

Some workers say it’s just about impossible to get a break during your shift at Pizza Hut unless you are a delivery driver. Others say you need to work closely with your manager so you can schedule early breaks, and have someone cover for you during busy times if you need to use the restroom.

Dress Code

The company will usually issue you a work polo shirt, an apron, and a name tag. You must provide your own black pants, belt, and slip-resistant shoes.

Some locations require all team members to wear a hat while on duty. Some locations allow body piercings, tattoos, colored hair, and leggings for women instead of slacks while others don’t. 

All locations have minor differences in their policies because they are franchisee-owned. Make sure you consult with your hiring manager once you are hired so that you show up the first day in accordance with their rules and looking your best.

Featured image courtesy of FoxLad at English Wikipedia, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

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