How Much Does Panda Express Pay?

See the answer to, "How much does Panda Express pay an hour?"

One of the biggest strengths of working at Panda Express is the benefits offered to all employees. However, the pay isn’t bad, either. 

Employees at this fast-food chain are generally very happy with their compensation. So, if you’re trying to find a steady job that pays a decent amount of money, this guide will give you the following information:

Panda Express Starting Pay

Panda Express salaries are competitive and the excellent benefits make a job here very attractive.

The starting pay for an entry-level worker at panda express is approximately $10.35 an hour. With this hourly wage, you will make approximately $414 a week without overtime and a yearly salary of $21,528.

This is hardly a living wage but at least this company does offer its entry-level workers a fast track to success. Anyone can work hard during the first 6 months, receive a pay raise after a performance review, and eventually get promoted within a short period of time to a team or shift leader position.

It’s all about how much dedication you put forth and how badly you want to get promoted. Many entry-level workers have become assistant managers and general managers within 3 to 4 years, almost tripling their salaries.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that all team members receive an average of approximately $150-$200 a year in bonus money. 

Panda Express Full-Time Hours

Full-time workers at this fast-food chain usually are assigned 40 hours a week. However, it’s common for team members to fill in for other workers who call out sick.

This gives many team members a chance to make plenty of money while working overtime hours just about every pay period.

All managers can expect to work anywhere between 45 to 60 hours a week. This all depends on how busy your store is and how many hours are required to be able to ensure the efficiency and profitability of your store.

Part-Time Hours

Part-time workers are usually given anywhere between 4 to 6 hours of work, 5 days a week. Therefore, you will be assigned anywhere between 20 to 30 hours on a weekly basis.

Once again, don’t be surprised if you’re a part-time worker and you are asked to cover someone else’s shift. This can give you quite a few overtime hours every month and help you raise your salary substantially.

Panda Express Shifts

Here are examples of shift hours you can work at Panda Express:

  • 10 AM to 5 PM
  • 10:30 AM to 6:30 PM
  • 10 AM to 7 PM
  • 11 AM to 8 PM
  • 5 PM to 10:30 PM
  • 5 PM to 11 PM
  • 6 PM to 10 PM

Panda Express Salaries

The salaries for Panda Express employees can range anywhere from $10.35 an hour for entry-level workers to well over $50,000 per year for a general manager.

Kitchen team members generally make slightly more money than regular cashiers, counter help, and front-end associates. However, the work is much harder because cooks work in a very challenging atmosphere as they cook and prepare the foods.

Panda Express Team Member Pay

The average team member at Panda makes approximately $12.25 an hour. This amounts to about $490 a week and $25,480 in yearly salary.

An employee working this position either as a cashier, server, or front-end associate, can get promoted to a kitchen team member rather quickly if he or she so desires. Additionally, it’s also possible to become a shift leader in a short amount of time if you prove yourself worthy to your management team.

Panda Express Cashier Pay

Some managers prefer having one main person ringing up the purchases during a busy shift due to that person proving themselves to be a highly efficient cashier. If that’s the case, you may be offered a position where you would concentrate on being a cashier more than anything else.

For these people, the average salary is approximately $12.45 an hour. This amounts to $498 a week and a salary of $25,896 a year.

Panda Express Cook Pay

As a kitchen team member, you may be part of a group that’s all working together in order to provide freshly cooked foods for customers. Kitchen team members make an average of $13.25 an hour. Some locations have a lead cook and this person makes approximately $13.90 an hour.

That comes out to about $556 a week and a yearly salary of $28,912. Keep in mind that someone working this position will oftentimes be asked to work extended hours just to fulfill the customers’ needs. This means you can make plenty of money in overtime on a regular basis.

Panda Express Shift Leader Pay

Some stores have shift leaders and these workers make approximately $13.20 an hour. This equals approximately $528 a week and a yearly salary of $27,456.

An employee in this position can expect to complete many of the assistant manager’s duties. This, in turn, helps a person in this position to make plenty of hours of overtime on a weekly basis. It’s not uncommon for a shift leader to make well over $30,000 a year.

Panda Express Assistant Manager Salary

A typical hourly wage for an assistant manager at this fast-food chain is approximately $17.20 an hour. This means you can make approximately $688 a week and $35,776 a year.

While some fast-food chains offer their assistant managers salaries, Panda Express pays them hourly wages. This is good news, however, because you can make a lot of money by regularly working overtime.

In some stores, an assistant manager making this type of average hourly wage can make more than $40,000 a year due to the overtime. Also, some employees working this position receive an additional $2,500-$5,000 a year in bonuses.

Panda Express Manager Salary

Panda Express general managers earn approximately $51,200 a year. The salaries can range as high as approximately $83,500 per year.

This figure does not include a potential yearly bonus in the amount of $10,000-$13,000 a year.

Training Leader Salary

A training leader at this company can make approximately $48,900 a year. You can add to this a cash bonus of approximately $9,000-$11,000 a year as well as profit sharing totaling approximately $1,000-$1,500 a year.

Does Panda Express pay weekly?

The company pays its employees on a biweekly basis. This is the most common method for any type of fast-food or retail company.

When does Panda Express pay? The payday is usually on a Friday and the pay period ends on the previous Thursday.

How often does this company give raises?

Team members receive a performance review every 6 months and can potentially receive a raise twice a year. The raise usually comes in the form of $.25-$.50 an hour.

Managers are given a yearly performance review and are eligible for a raise once a year.

Break Policy

Employees are allowed one 10-minute paid break for every 4 hours of work. Additionally, after every 5 hours of work, they are entitled to an unpaid 30-minute meal break.

If you work at least a 10-hour shift, you are also entitled to another 30-minute unpaid meal break.

Panda Express Dress Code

Panda Express issues its employees a red shirt with a company logo, a hat, a name tag, and an apron. You are expected to purchase your own black pants, a belt, black non-skid shoes, and black socks.

Tattoos are allowed unless they are offensive. Earrings are also allowed but they can’t be the dangly kind.

For men, facial hair is generally allowed but has to be neat and groomed. Be aware that some stores do not allow any type of facial hair at all.

Unnaturally colored hair is acceptable in some stores and unacceptable and others. You will have to consult with your management team.

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