Best Paying Retail Jobs In Your Area

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Job Applications See Hourly Pay

While looking for employment, one of the first and most important questions anyone would ask is, “What are the best paying retail jobs?

Of course, there are many important things to consider when trying to find a job in your area.

Other important things to consider when applying for a job are:

→ Does the company offer the opportunity to grow professionally?

→ Are there fair working conditions in the workplace?

→ What types of raises can you get?

→ Can you picture yourself being happy working at that particular retail store?

→ Is there fair and consistent treatment of employees?

→ What about the benefits? Are they any good?

→ Does the company know how to schedule employees effectively?


How to Get a Retail Job With No Experience

It’s easy to learn how to apply for a retail job because almost every single big retail store chain allows you to register on their website and begin the application process.

Retail stores are always looking for entry-level workers who are motivated and ready to be trained. In most cases, they want employees who appear to be looking for a career with their company, not just another worker who wants to collect a paycheck.

So, in the retail business, there are many:

→ Jobs that will train you with no experience

→ Jobs that require no experience but pay well

→ Many positions available that can help you advance to a higher position

Recently, a few major retail stores such as Costco and Target have raised their minimum pay for inexperienced workers substantially compared to many other retail chains.

10 Steps to Get Hired for Best Paying Retail Jobs With No Experience

  1. Pick at least 3 companies you might want to work for and list the names of those stores on a piece of paper or notepad on your computer.
  2. Start researching one retail store at a time and write notes under each store heading.
  3. Include the history of the retail chain, the salary structure (starting and average hourly pay for each position), and employee feedback from each company that you’re going to research here.
  4. You can also research the many companies on this website. You can start with the companies above or type the name of your retail store chain in the search box on the sidebar of this site.
  5. Register with each company online and follow simple instructions to apply for a job.
  6. Make sure you have your work history information, personal references, and your social security number before you start the application process.
  7. When you get to the part of the application where you are asked about your work hours and days preferences, indicate you are available to work ALL shifts and days.
  8. Find the instructions on how to follow up on your application with each company and make sure you complete that part of the process within 2 weeks. If you are not making progress with the usual follow-up over the phone or via email, dress nicely and visit each store in person. Once you are there, ask to speak with someone in a management position and inquire about your completed application.
  9. Leave the manager your business card with your name, phone number, and email.
  10. Repeat the process after 3 weeks with 3 more companies.


Prepare for Job Interview Questions and Answers

While you are waiting to get the callback for an interview, it’s time to get yourself ready for the actual interview.

Let’s break down what you have to do:

  1. Review the common questions and the general guides on how to answer each one. Remember, an interviewer is usually very experienced and can tell when you are not answering a question sincerely. Therefore, adopt the mindset of answering each question truthfully.
  2. Practice asking and answering questions either by yourself or with a partner. Record yourself on your cell phone video if that’s possible. Try not to laugh too much at yourself when reviewing the video and do everything you can to see what you can improve. Then, practice some more!
  3. Find something neat and nice to wear to your job interview. The following guide shows you how:

What to Wear to a Job Interview MALE

For hourly positions, you can wear slacks with a long or short sleeve button-down shirt. Although it’s best to tuck your shirt in and wear a belt, it is accepted that you can opt for the shirt over the pants as long as you look neat.

Shoes as always should be clean and at least somewhat polished. You’ll want to look as sharp as possible while maintaining a clean, casual look. Pay attention to your grooming. Trim your fingernails, your mustache if you have one, and get a nice haircut.

For salaried positions, or if you want to look your best during an hourly position interview, dress up a bit. Either wear a suit and tie or a blazer or sports jacket and dark-colored slacks. Make certain your long-sleeve button-down shirt is very neatly pressed. It’s very simple!

What to Wear For an Interview FEMALE

If you want to keep it simple, a knee-length dress with stockings and close-toed shoes will do just fine. Alternatively, you can try wearing slacks and a button-down blouse or a sweater. A cardigan over a simple blouse and slacks would also make a good impression.

Whether looking for an hourly or a salaried position, women have a little more freedom on what to wear during an interview. There is no right or wrong way to dress as long as you look neat and clean and not overly provocative. Think “just a little conservative’ and you’ll be alright.

As mentioned for men, women also need to make sure they pay attention to their grooming. You should have a nice manicure or at least nicely trimmed nails. If you are working an hourly job that happens to be physical such as a stocker position, be aware that really long fingernails will not make a good impression.

This is a great guide with plenty of cool suggestions for female interview attire.

What Not to Wear to An Interview

For men and women, don’t show up wearing these:

  1. Torn or ripped clothing
  2. Jeans
  3. Overly revealing shirts or blouses
  4. Body jewelry (includes nose rings and excessive earrings)
  5. Shorts (don’t look like you’re lazy and on vacation!)
  6. Messy hair unless it’s part of your hairstyle
  7. Bad body odor or dirty clothes
  8. Perfume or cologne (this could offend the interviewer)
  9. Excessive tattoos (cover them if possible)
  10. Sneakers or tennis shoes

Minimum Working Age By State

There is always an age requirement for jobs in retail, and they always differ across the country as well as internationally.

There are always retail jobs for minors available throughout the U.S. and there is a good chance the same applies to your local area.

Use this link to see what the child labor laws are in your state so you can proceed with finding a job as a teenager.

What Are the Best Retail Companies to Work For?

The best retail companies to find employment with have a balance of:

→ Above-average starting pay for entry-level workers

→ Plenty of working hours available

→ Flexible work schedules

→ Good working conditions

→ Managers who treat their employees right

→ Companies who care about their team members and show it

Here is a list of companies you may want to consider right away. Each listing has the starting hourly pay and each linked page contains a guide on how to get hired with each respective company:

Target Application ($15/hr.)

→ Walmart Application ($11 to $12/hr., depending on location)

→ Mcdonald’s Application ($10/hr., good job for seniors and teens)

→ Home Depot Application ($10 to $12/hr.)

→ Costco Application ($15/hr.)

→ Walgreen’s Application ($10/hr. but will soon increase to $15/hr to start)

→ Dollar General Application ($9/hr.)

→ Starbucks Application ($9 to $11/hr.)

→ Taco Bell ($9/hr.)

→ Old Navy Application ($8/hr.)

→ Lowe’s ($11/hr.)

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